Monday, February 23, 2009

Baby News!!!! (well lots of news)

January 20th: I took a a home pregnancy test (PREGNANT) I secremed and got kyle and we took 3 more (all PREGNANT)

I called the doctor and did a blood test (NEGATIVE) and we were bummed

January 28th: I called the Dr. again, I knew something was up, so we did another blood test and.. (POSITIVE)

Kyle's first question: When can we find out if it's a boy or girl

.............and began the waiting and praying to see if the baby was where it should be

Febuary 5th: We had our first ultrasound and got to see our sweet baby! We were thrilled!!! Acctually beyond thrilled!!!

Febuary 12th: Yet another ultrasound, (we were learning to expect the un-expected) Kyle couldnt come to this visit so my mom came : We got to hear baby's heart beat 129/min. It was so strong and filled the room. Such a sweet sound to my ears. I was beyond thankful and amazed at this little life God had given me!!!

Febuary 13th: Our first pre-natal visit. Things are really starting to sink in for kyle and I

Febuary 14th: Valentines day!! celebrated in the ER. Unexpected bleeding. God to keep us dependant on Him!!

Febuary 15th: Another trip to the ER. More bleeding. This time they do an ultrasound and we see our little peanut. God continues to preserve this sweet life!

Febuary 16th: We have a check up with our doctor. They do another ultrasound and we get to the heartbeat - 150/min. It was so good for my heart to hear!!!! Our little Tigar is a fighter!!! The doctor tells us I have a subchorionic bleed. In other words there is a blod clot right above our baby. He puts me on bed rest in hopes that as baby grows he/she will push against the blood clot and it will disolve itself. We leave the doctors relieved and really trusting in His plan!

........And so begins the resting. Alot of fears, and a lot of trusting. Learning how Big our God is, and how amazing it is to be surrounded by the prayers of SOO many believers!!! I'm incredibly thankful for all the prayers, the helping of our family, and the love and patience of my sweet husband, as we contiue to wait on God and to see this incredible baby come to life before oure eyes!!

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