Friday, February 27, 2009

The Ups and Downs of Our Week

I thought I would give everyone an update of the ups and downs of our week. Thankfully there have been far more Ups than Downs.

We'll start with the Ups:

Our favorite part of the week was getting to see our sweet our little baby and the amazing growth!! With about 7 months to go I find myself incredibly anxious to be have our sweet baby in my arms! Kyle and I just sit on the couch at night and say to eachother "can you belive in 7 months were going to have a baby" I'm also anxious to begin showing : the anticipation of a growing belly and the tanagble proof that really is a baby in there! (Not just gas and indegestation) :)

Another favorite part of the week was beginning our baby book :) It's amazing anticpating what our baby will look like, their characteristics, etc. I also really enjoyed looking back over the past several weeks and seeing how not only the baby has grown but how God has grown kyle and I! Speeking of baby growth: looking back at our ultrasound pictures I am truly understanding the Psalmist when he talks about how God knit us together in our mothers womb, and his eyes see our unformed body... Psalm 139: 13,15 God has shown me through countless ultrasounds how He is knitting this precious baby together.

I have also enjoyed the fellowship with my husband. It's amzing to see his gentleness with me despite my at times lunetic demener :) We have enjoyed several sweet moments over anxieties and excitements ! I am so thankful He is who God has provided for me!

Another very sweet part of our week has been the service of our familys! We are so thankful we have such amazing families who are willing to step in at a moments notice to serve us! And the prayers of our immediate family and church family have been wonderful! Kyle and I can truly see God working through the prayers of His people and that is a wonderful testimony!

Now for some of the downs : mind you most of them have been spent huddled down by the toilet. I am experiencing morning sickness (well all day sickness) on a whole new level. At any given notice with no warning I find myself hurrying to the bathroom or searching for a bag while Kyle stands by in horror! The worst one being a cupple mornings ago when I went to the fridge to get water and a bagel and I stept in a disgusting little somthing left by our dogs. I rushed to the bathroom thinking if I just washed my foot off I would be okay. But now my gag refelexs kicked in high gear and I spent a good deal of time over the toilet. (I'll spear you the rest of the details) I spend a good deal time nauesus : some of the things that are the worst are : water (it seems nearly impossible to drink 8 glasses, when I get sick with just 1), my pre-natal vitamins, anything that has a weird or undesirable smell, and a lot of foods. I must say in a weird kind of gross way I enjoy the all day sickness because it is proof of our little peanut.

Another down has been the aches of my body. You would think, aww bed all day, how comfortable. Well I can testify it is far from So comfortable. My back hurts, and my calf muscles get incredibly sore. With a nauseus stomach it's almost impossible to get comfortable in any position. Not to mention my unrealistic fears that each ache brings.

The other downer has been the t.v. Well there are severl shows I thorouly enjoy, it's the commercials I find incredibly irritating! Two in particular: the first one being a KFC commercial where the cook gleefly says 'there is one of us in every kitchen' I know for a fact there are no cooks in any KFC that are that excited and joyful about their job! The other commercial that I want to just throw the socks at is a commercial for Car Facts or something like that about selling cars online, not only is the commercial annyoying but it always repeats itself!! Are you kidding me?

Okay well I guess this is enough venting.... Thank you for you faithful prayers throughout the week and we will keep you updated!

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